Taking as its inspiration satuday morning science fantasy cartoons and the Golden Age comics era character CROM THE BARBARIAN, this sourcebook brings the full fantasy roleplaying experience to FASERIPopedia!
CROM features some of the most startling art and monsters, most exciting characters and settings of any FASERIPopedia game!
A full sandbox chart set is provided to generate detailed "hexes" to explore or fight over as well as a generator for the scattered city-states of CROM's world!
The Bestiary lists cosmic horrors and exotic threats quite unlike the normal and a real challenge even for hyper league superheroes!
Plus: beautiful artwork, tavern rumors, and countless details for adventures.
Quickstart dungeons, map of Ophir, CROM's home city-state, and its dungeons (prison) are also provided! This is the quickest start FASERIP rules game so far!